Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pride & Prejudice

I used to dislike London. Dirty, crowded, ugly, noisy. Now, a visit to London always makes me high - this melting pot on steroids where its inhabitants churn out an average GDP per capita five times that of my home town Berlin. I know that some (like Tyler Brûlé) complain that London of today is little but a huge overpriced warehouse of scented candles (though why should he complain, it's partly his fault), I happily admit to thrive on their always restless ambitions, envy them their language (with its endless opportunities for wit) and their media (where every morning paper always hides at least one gem) and crave for their overpriced organic flapjacks.

I leave London ground reading The Guardian's sensitive interview with Heath Ledger. One of the quotes helps me recognize one of my own weird habits:

"I never want to feel like I've achieved my goal. It's like chinese farmers. They never admit that it's a good season. They feel like they'll be punished."

But we both proudly admit to be great kissers. Let's hope our tongues won't fall off.


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