Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Attack of the clones

Having spent some relaxing days with my buddy Jesse in Singapore (yes, tea at the Raffles and food-court dining at Newton) I took the bus to Malaysia and KL. Less neat, more chaotic and - I guess - more interesting. Staying with friend and serial entrepreneur Karin Nelsson in her three-storey condo in expat-burb Mont Kiara with maid (thanks Marina for excellent sandwiches) and great views. We took a daytrip to the curious new government-city Putrajaya some 40 km outside of KL. A huge star wars-like gathering of palaces and ministry buildings with man-made lakes and spectacular bridges. Here, the government also tries to create Malaysia's own silicon valley, Cyberjaya. It's moving along fine, but mostly with multinationals... The entire project is of course hugely expensive, but what else are they going to do with their oil money? (And, as a taxi driver told me, it does help the traffic situation in central KL...)