Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Analyse this

The waitor’s comment was a bit dry. When we apologised for not being able to finish our toilet-lid sized Wiener schnitzels, he answered smiling that “most people manage it”, glancing sideways at the empty plates in front of the couple next to us. We were just sad that we couldn’t top it with Kaiserschmarren. Try for yourself at Austria in Kreuzberg (and combine it with neurotic confessions of the pains of approaching any age ending with a zero).

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Some like it hot

Never thought I would say this, but the evening was pleasantly chilled as we strolled into Schloss Charlottenburg for this season's outdoor movie opening. Somewhat 1500 people in deck chairs on the courtyard, sapping beer and following the edited destiny of Johnny Cash. The blazing heat of the past weeks, months, seemed somehow just like a feverish dream - skin constantly moist and memories tinted with an orange-red light (like my childhood images of Rosemary's Baby, that I happened to watch alone one night), taken for granted and enjoyed. Now I am awake again, the cool wind blowing sense into my face. It's pleasant too.